We the People Warwick in the news
“We the People Warwick (WTPW) is proud to announce that we will be offering Self-Love in the Month of Love for the second year in a row! The program is free, and organized by our newest action team focusing on social emotional wellness.” (2/11/25)
Self-Love in the Month of Love
“We the People Warwick will hold their Winter Dialogue series for our community members…These dialogue sessions are meant to engage the community in meaningful, respectful conversation helping our community feel connected.” (1/27/25)
“If we can approach conversations with curiosity and a genuine desire to understand another’s point of view, and very importantly, what life experiences have led them to their perspectives, instead of aiming to convince or change others’ minds — maybe then, we can take challenging topics off the “off-limits” shelf.” (12/17/24)
Approach Conversations with Curiosity
“…I could feel a welcoming warmth and camaraderie between everyone in the hall that evening.” (11/4/24)
We the People Warwick’s Story Share
“On October 26, the Warwick Lions Club will host an awards dinner for three Warwick Citizens receiving the Robert J. Uplinger Award for Community Service. The winners of this year’s award are Beverly Braxton, Annie Colonna, and Judy Battista.” (10/7/24)
Warwick Lions to Host Awards Dinner
“Braxton says most of what WTPW does has come about organically: ‘I'm not forcing anything. I'm inviting it," she says. "I'm not going to live a life where nothing will be done. Let's open a lens to our humanity and not our divisions.’” (7/1/24)
A Language of Belonging: Warwick
“Each person had five minutes to describe a pivotal memory at Story Share.” (6/17/24)
Story Share Connects, More Connection Coming Up in July from We the People Warwick
“On May 30, We The People Warwick (WTPW) presented Warwick Story Share (WSS) 5 at the Buckbee Center and once again a packed house of Warwickians got to hear a variety of five-minute “story nuggets” — brief accounts of real things that happened to the story tellers and left a mark, a memory, that is still with them.” (6/10/24)
Warwick Story Share Does It Again
“Join us to share your voice and commit to an action on a topic of greatest concern to you.” (5/14/24)
Mental Health in A Changing World
“We the People Warwick believes strongly that the answers to the complex mental health problems we face can and must be solved by members of our own community.” (5/14/24)
Letter: Mental Health in A Changing World: Where Do We Start in Our Community?
“I am now left wondering to what extent Warwick residents understand the nature and the needs of a volunteer emergency medical service. How could we demonstrate our appreciation of their sacrifices? How might we do more as a community to recruit new volunteers? What other ways could we support those who serve us?” (4/30/24)
“I found it so enlightening to attend We the People Warwick’s presentation "A Day in the Life” at the Buckbee Center. Twice yearly, this program showcases members of our community and the work they do.” (4/27/24)
“Beverly's life journey reflects a commitment to understanding life's purpose and making meaningful contributions to education, family support, and community building.” (4/21/24)
Inspiring Change: Beverly Braxton’s Impact on Community
“After a busy winter including the Warwick Voices through Photos exhibition at the Albert Wisner Public Library, a viewing and discussion of the documentary “Anxious Nation” and February’s Self-Love for the Month of Love program, We the People Warwick is happy to announce our spring events which, as always, are free to all town of Warwick residents.” (4/9/24)
We the People Warwick Announces its Spring Lineup of Events
“Events include Warwickians telling their stories and mental health strategizing.” (4/4/24)
Announcing We the People Warwick Spring Events
"When people are face to face talking it is a very different exchange...the lines of communication are much more personal and tend to help you connect better." -Sue Gardner (2/10/24)
“Would you like to engage in meaningful conversations that welcome your story, your perspective, and your vision for our community? We the People Warwick’s dialogue series is where this happens!” (2/9/24)
Letter: Constructive Dialogue: The Art of Thinking Together
“This program, brought to you by WTPW’s Mental Health Resilience Team, highlights the value of nourishing self-love and personal care and offers participants invaluable tools for enhancing their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.” (1/19/24)
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Self-Love for the Month of Love
“We the People Warwick launches free introductory classes in February for mental health and wellness.” (1/17/24)
Letter: Self-Love Practices for the Month of Love
“On January 5, the culminating exhibition of We the People Warwick’s “Warwick Voices through Photos” dialogue program will open at Albert Wisner Public Library in Warwick, the second stop of the exhibition’s travels.” (12/24/23)
"Warwick Voices through Photos" Exhibit Travels On
“Temperatures hovered in the low 20s but the atmosphere was warmed by messages of hope during We The People Warwick’s winter solstice candlelight vigil on Thursday evening.” (12/22/23)
We the People Warwick Holds Peace Vigil
“Warwick. We the People Warwick will be hosting this community gathering on Railroad Green.” (12/5/23)
Candlelight Peace Vigil to be Held on the Winter Solstice
“We the People Warwick invites the community to gather for a candlelight peace vigil.” (12/5/23)
Warwick Winter Solstice Peace Vigil with Candles Forthcoming
“The photography exhibition on view at Greenwood Lake Public Library until December 3rd, then at Albert Wisner Public Library in January and February, is the outgrowth of a new initiative from We the People Warwick.” (11/21/23)
Review: Warwick Voices Through Photos Exhibition
“From entertaining children, to saving and sheltering animals, to leading tours of Africa, three local citizens will offer windows into their life work at the third “A Day in the Life” event at the Albert Wisner Public Library (1 McFarland Drive, Warwick) on Saturday, November 4, at 10:30 a.m.” (10/30/23)
Another ‘Day in the Life’ at Albert Wisner Public Library
“We the People Warwick held their fourth Story Share, bringing 12 people with unexpected stories to Mountain Lake Park.” (10/28/23)
Story Share: Startling Life Tales
“The number 988 directs callers with trained counselors waiting to help in a crisis.” (10/24/23)
Warwick Orgs Unite to Offer a Hopeful Message and a Place to Turn
“‘You Are Not Alone: Chronic Pain Spoken Here’ event at Albert Wisner Library on Oct. 14” (10/8/23)
Expert Panel on Non-Drug Chronic Pain Remedies Coming Up
“'When we, Warwick Cares, reached out to fellow local organizations Team Up for Hope, Warwick Valley Prevention Coalition and We the People Warwick about creating a banner of hope to be displayed during National Suicide Prevention Month, the response was an immediate yes,' said Judy Battista, Warwick Cares mental health and suicide prevention advocate.” (9/22/23)
Groups Collaborate for Suicide Prevention
“After three successful programs, a fourth Warwick Story Share will take place from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6, at Mountain Lake Park (the former Kutz Kamp), 46 Bowen Road, in Warwick.” (9/18/23)
Warwick Story Share Returns Oct 6
“The idea behind Warwick Story Share is based on the Moth Story SLAM, the popular open-mic storytelling competitions held in 28 cities around the world. With Warwick Story Share, that idea is brought to the local level — minus the competition.” (9/12/23)
“Participants of ‘Warwick Voices through Photos’ will be asked to identify, photograph and share their perspectives as to what makes Warwick unique and to identify areas for growth in the community.” (8/28/23)
‘Warwick Voices through Photos’ begins Sept. 20
“We the People Warwick is launching “Warwick Voices through Photos,” a free six-week photo-based dialogue program that begins September 20th. The addition of photos to their current dialogue series provides another avenue in their efforts to foster deeper connection among Warwick’s diverse residents.” (8/19/23)
“Warwick Voices through Photos” begins September 20th
“We the People Warwick (WTPW), a non-profit organization intending to foster community connection and well-being, has announced the launch of 'Pathways to Wholeness for Teens.' This program aims to guide self-discovery and provide tools to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being.” (7/16/23)
We the People Warwick Wellbeing Activities for Teens
“Beverly Braxton spoke at PeaceCon ‘23, impressing with peacebuilding strategies…Beverly was one of five speakers on the panel, Community Institutions as Cornerstones of U.S. Peacebuilding.” (6/16/23)
Warwick Lessons Take Root in Washington
“Peace Through Action has selected Beverly Braxton as a Featured Peacebuilder because of her work to cultivate empathy and compassion within her community through dialogue training, storytelling, mental health promotion, and youth empowerment.” (5/31/23)
Featured Peacebuilder - Beverly Braxton - Live interview with Peace Through Action USA
“We The People Warwick announces the much anticipated return of Warwick Story Share (WSS), where people from the community get to tell their personal stories - five-minute “nuggets” of things that happened to them and changed their lives.” (5/24/23)
Community. Tell your tale during Warwick Story Share
“I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to our community for their incredible support at We the People Warwick’s (WTPW) recent “You Are Not Alone” Mental Health Forum.” (5/10/23)
Letter: Warwick Mental Health Forum Afterwords
“The energy of the participants was palpable through their brainstorming and personal stories, and the individual groups became a sanctuary of vulnerability, sharing, and comfort for many.” (5/7/23)
Letter to the Editor: Thanks for the Support
“…doesn't connection begin when we look up, look around, smile, say hello, ask how are you with genuine interest? It is at these moments that the supposed chasms become much less vast.” (4/17/23)
Isn't Connection What It's All About? - Tri-State Lookout
Take Steps Toward Connection - Warwick Advertiser
“We the People Warwick's Youth Engagement Team surveyed local youth about their challenges and received 300 responses.” (4/10/23)
We the People Warwick Youth Survey Speaks
“Three more residents detail how - and why - they do what they do.” (3/28/23)
‘A Day in the Life’ Program Hosts Second Session
Sit & Chat with Team Up for Hope - Wayne Patterson leads a conversation including Trish Valentino, Francesca Bryson and Beverly Braxton and Warwick Valley High School student, Vincent Pinnavaia, who started the Sit and Chat Club to create a space where students could feel comfortable coming together to talk about life. (3/23/23)
Watch the video at: Sit & Chat with Team Up for Hope or on YouTube
“Three local people explained the work they do and the story behind their choices.” (3/21/23)
What Three Warwickians Do and Why
“We the People Warwick will hold their "A Day in the Life" event a second time on March 18 after surprising enthusiasm for the first event.” (3/14/23)
Warwickians to Reveal Work Lives
“After a very well-received premier program back in November, there will be a second presentation of the We The People Warwick’s “A Day in the Life” on March 18 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Albert Wisner Public Library, 1 McFarland Drive in Warwick.” (3/4/23)
Encore for ‘A Day in the Life’ at the Library
“WTPW has begun preparations for part 2 of its “You Are Not Alone” mental health series...The first planning session is scheduled for Feb. 28 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. via Zoom...The forum itself will take place during daytime hours on April 29 at the Mountain Lake Park Lodge.” (1/23/23)
“You Are Not Alone” Mental Health Forum Planning Session
“We’re kicking off 2023 with some news to share, but first we would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude for the fantastic enthusiasm and continued support we received throughout 2022 and since our founding in 2021.” (1/9/23)
Preview and thank you from We the People Warwick
“After a period when relationships were often impeded by pandemic quarantine, Warwick Valley High School student Vincent Pinnavaia devised a way to deepen his friendships." (1/2/23)
Peer Power: The Sit and Chat Club
“We the People Warwick held an event, intended to enhance community relationships, where three people described the work they do and why they enjoy it. Audience surveys afterwards showed enthusiasm.” (12/5/22)
Daily Life Tales Delight Listeners
“Beverly Braxton launched We the People Warwick, with its multi-faceted community initiatives, about two years ago...” (11/29/22)
Beverly Braxton: Sparking Dialogue
“On November 10th, on a star filled night, I drove up the mountain to the former Kutz Camp in Warwick to attend a mental health forum by 'We the People Warwick.'...The theme was 'You are not alone.' I did not feel so alone that night in my own community discussing mental health, and in particular suicide...There are no easy answers when it comes to mental health concerns and suicide prevention. That’s why local forums like these are so important.” (11/21/22)
Suicide Survivor’s Reflections
“At ‘A Day in the Life,’ debuting on Nov. 29, Warwickians will tell about the work they enjoy doing, as career or otherwise.” (11/20/22)
Your Neighbors Who Love What They Do Will Talk About It
“Eighteen speakers at a mental health forum at Mountain Lake Park last week revealed an array of mental health issues among people of all ages and in various social and professional sectors.” (11/14/22)
“Fellow People of Warwick: It is time for a serious mental health check-up!… Recognizing that community engagement and awareness would provide a huge step forward in tackling this problem, We the People Warwick’s (WTPW) Mental Health Resilience Team has been working hard to organize a “You Are Not Alone,” Mental Health Forum this November 10th (6:30-9pm) at the Mountain Lake Park in Warwick (formerly Kutz Camp).” (11/1/22)
Warwick Mental Health Forum Planned
“Professional storyteller Terry Wolfisch Cole, of Tell Me Another radio show, will teach a storytelling workshop at Wisner Library on Nov. 5.” (10/21/22)
Introductory Storytelling Workshop with Terry Wolfisch Cole
“A large and engaged audience for this storytelling event provided encouragement for more such events… ‘The idea behind Warwick Story Share is surprisingly simple: when stories are told by people in the community and heard by people in the community, that community draws closer and gets stronger. Sharing stories is just one of many ways WTPW is trying to create opportunities for building connection in our community, which is at the heart of what WTPW is all about.’” (10/17/22)
Warwick Story Share #2 Captivates
Beverly Braxton, We the People Warwick (WTPW) founder and director, and Janeen Mitchell, WTPW's Youth Engagement Action Team member, spoke at the recent school board meeting and were quoted in the recap article by the Warwick Advertiser. (10/10/22)
Warwick Principals Present Program Highlights to School Board
“To be here for each other, we need to hear each other…giving voice to all members of our community in the way each prefers to express themselves allows us to hear each other so that together we can improve the ways we are here to support each other." (10/5/22)
Community Connection Endeavors
“The We the People Warwick Dialogue Series aims to teach constructive ways of communicating. The first in-person series will meet on four Monday evenings in October." (9/14/22)
We the People Warwick’s first in-person Dialogue Series begins Oct. 3
“We The People Warwick will present their second Story Share event on Oct. 14, where Warwickians tell stories about events that affected them.” (9/6/22)
Calling Storytellers and Listeners
We the People Warwick and their Youth Engagement Team are collecting art, poetry and essays from local youth for an exhibit and also launching a survey about youth issues. (8/30/22)
Youth events announced by We the People Warwick
“Share Your Pandemic Story is an invitation and an opportunity for Town of Warwick residents to share their personal experiences of the global coronavirus pandemic.” (8/10/22)
“We the People Warwick has several events and activities planned to support community connection and mental health.” (7/20/22)
We the People Warwick announces new community ventures
“Beverly Braxton, a long-time resident, civic leader, and founder of We The People Warwick (WTPW)…a grassroots movement to address civic health and complex divisions in Warwick, NY” talks with Essential Partners (July 2022)
Community Voices - Beverly Braxton and We the People Warwick - Page 5 of Essential Partner's Quarterly Donor Newsletter
“At the premiere of Story Share, organized by We the People Warwick, people of different ages and persuasions described pivotal experiences.” (6/8/22)
Poignance and Surprises at Story Share
Team Up for Hope’s Wayne Patterson sat down with Beverly Braxton from We The People Warwick to discuss what the greatest concern is today with regard to our children and young adults growing up in today's world (5/30/22)
"Consider this: Nobody calls first responders when they are having a good day…First responders probably witness more trauma in a week than most of us witness in a year.” (5/28/22)
Call To Help Those Who Help Us
When will things return to normal? A question for Mental Health Awareness Month. “Perhaps, rather than seeing each other as strangers, or even contenders, we can experience each other as mutual travelers; sharing our journey together from that which was, to that which is yet to be.” (5/16/22)
When will things return to normal?
Beverly Braxton and Nancy Fernandez talk with Taylor Sterling about Mental Health Awareness Month and WTPW - WTBQ 1110 AM 93.5 FM (5/13/22):
Any rebroadcast, retransmission, copying, sharing or other use of this radio broadcast without the express written consent of FST Broadcasting Corp or WTBQ Radio, is prohibited and editing of any kind is also strictly prohibited.
Mental health problems affect nearly every family, but as a nation, we have too often struggled to have an open and honest conversation about these issues. (5/3/22):
Community story time in Warwick - Stories should be up to five minutes long, nonpolitical, about a personal lived experience, and they should be told, not read.” (4/26/22):
Community story time in Warwick
We the People Warwick announces its spring Dialogue Series - The workshop series examines communication approaches that facilitate constructive community interactions. (4/4/22):
We the People Warwick announces its spring Dialogue Series
Beverly Braxton talks with Taylor about Black History and the power of human stories to connect us - WTBQ 1110 AM 93.5 FM (2/25/22):
Any rebroadcast, retransmission, copying, sharing or other use of this radio broadcast without the express written consent of FST Broadcasting Corp or WTBQ Radio, is prohibited and editing of any kind is also strictly prohibited.
“If there is any place that can achieve this ideal of the “Beloved Community,” it is here in Warwick.” (1/20/22):
Envisioning Warwick as the “Beloved Community"
An invitation and a wish for those who feel threatened to instead join us and share your views (11/20/21):
Beverly Braxton talks about the inception and mission of We the People Warwick with Taylor on the Taylored Word (10/01/21):
Any rebroadcast, retransmission, copying, sharing or other use of this radio broadcast without the express written consent of FST Broadcasting Corp or WTBQ Radio, is prohibited and editing of any kind is also strictly prohibited.
We the People Warwick Dialogues - Grassroots civic group reports out feedback following first round of dialogue circle series (9/13/21):
We the People Warwick Dialogues
Encouragement to join We the People Warwick from existing participants (9/7/21):
Update and call to action letter to the editor in the Warwick Advertiser (8/10/21):
Call to action letter to the editor in the Warwick Valley Dispatch (2/23/21):
Support The ‘We The People: The Many Faces Of America’ Initiative