Pathways to Wholeness - for Teens

What: We The People Warwick and Vastu Health are excited to offer Warwick Township teenagers the opportunity to explore wellness practices through short, introductory presentations by local practitioners on food, movement, creative expression, mindfulness, and more!

Who: Teens ages 13 - 18

Where: Vastu Health Center, 38 Ronald Reagan Blvd, Warwick, NY

When: Tuesdays throughout August 2023, 3:30 - 5:00 PM = A SUCCESS!

Session 1 - 8/1/2023

  • Yoga originated in ancient India and focuses on the joining together of mind, body, and spirit through three main practices: postures, breathing and meditation. It can help you cope with stress, develop flexibility, balance, and coordination, and improve wellbeing. Join Aura Lehrer, Owner of Vastu Health to learn Heart-based yoga which utilizes the practice of yoga to cultivate and create an inner conversation that builds on self-acceptance and love. Movement, breathwork and affirmations are used in this practice.

  • HeartMath is a series of simple practices that build heart coherence and strengthen your resilience by connecting you with the power of your heart. It also teaches you how to shift your mood quickly, so you can easily move out of stress, overwhelm, and anxiety, anytime, anywhere! Maryann Houston, Certified Clinical & Medical Support Hypnotherapist, will introduce you to this simple system and the science behind it.

  • Learn a transformative mind body tool that will help you make significant progress in academics, sports, and in life. Emotional Freedom Technique, known as EFT or Tapping, is a tool that was discovered in the 1970’s by psychologist, Roger Callahan. You’ll learn from Fran Medina, RN, Empowerment Coach and Healer, that EFT is a clinically proven acupressure tapping method for clearing stress, anxiety, and emotional and physical issues.

Session 2 - 8/8/2023

  • Qigong, pronounced “chi gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago and involves exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit. Join Tim Arculli, founder of Outer Limits System (OLS) Qigong, to learn simple, efficient, and effective tips which can immediately aid with anxiety, stress, and overthinking. Tim will also show the importance of the mind/body connection, relaxation, and how to feel your body's own energy.

  • Debra Leporati will talk about how meditation can help you feel more centered, calm, empathic, and regulated in your emotions. Learn a simple everyday meditation to anchor you in your body and connect with the inner smile that is you. Journaling is also a great way to relieve stress. Come learn a journaling technique to foster reflection, clarity, and insight. These go-to tools help bring balance and joy to your life.

  • Summertime is a busy time, but also a call to find calm and contentment. The scents of herbs can help us find balance during this season of abundance. Alicia Frosini of Sugar Loaf Mountain Herbs will share with you an easy way to enjoy the calming qualities of herbs in simple infusions.

Session 3 - 8/15/2023

  • Self-care plays a large role in helping us to be happy, healthy, and self-confident. The Self-Care Wheel offers a wide range of self-care practices that bring balance, reduce stress, and improve one’s sense of well-being. Jennifer Rowe, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, will introduce the Self-Care Wheel to help you see how well you are doing in different areas of your life and identify areas needing your attention.

  • Sound therapy is a great de-stressor and a perfect introduction to meditation for beginners. It’s challenging to calm our minds and control our thoughts; however, with the right sounds, tones, and frequencies, we can entrain our brain waves to slow down, allowing the body to move into a healing state. Join Nav Kaur, certified sound instructor, to experience the soothing sounds of alchemy crystal bowls and chimes.

  • The heart of Kai Chi Do is a mind, body and spirit practice involving movement, breathwork and grounding practices. It can be practiced by anyone and can be adapted for any level of fitness. Unlike Yoga, the goal of Kai Chi Do is to experience the feeling of connection – to yourself, to others, and to Life. Join Eric Lehrer for this beautiful movement meditation.

Session 4 - 8/22/2023

  • Breathing is one of the most powerful tools we possess to catalyze change, connect us with our true selves, and heighten our creativity and intuition. In this short experiential introduction to breathwork, Jody Weatherstone will show you how to use active breathing to move energy and coherent breathing to reach a deep meditative state. You will leave with breath practices you can use on your own and resources for your further exploration.

  • Drumming circles provide a safe outlet for expressing feelings, calming our mental chatter and alleviating anxiety and stress. When we drum together, we build community, connecting with ourselves and others in joyful, meaningful ways. Everyone can drum! No prior experience is needed to join in the beat. This drum circle facilitated by Margaret Johnson will offer you the opportunity to explore the benefits of group music making in a fun, relaxed, non-competitive environment.

  • Current research documents the importance of exercise for the brain and supports what dancers have always known ~ that movement can promote emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual and can contribute to improved health and well-being. Join dance teacher Linda Mensch from The Moving Company Modern, who will lead you in exercises connecting your inner and outer worlds through guided exploration of movement with music. Leave with a sense of peace, creativity, and joy or whatever else is discovered.

Session 5 - 8/29/2023

  • Chiropractic medicine is based on the link between the alignment of the spine and the function of the body. A core tenant of chiropractic medicine is the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself if given proper support. Could gentle chiropractic help you? Dr. Ann Studer will discuss the relationship of the spinal cord to relaxation. Studies show a relaxed spinal cord can reduce depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

  • Building a wellness toolbox is a great way to be prepared for those times when your mental well-being starts to slip. Think of a wellness toolbox as a safety net. The best tools to help maintain a healthy mental state will vary from person to person. Join Jamie Harrington to explore what to consider when creating your own personal toolbox.

  • This presentation will make the connection between our overall well-being, mental disposition, and whole foods. Join us for the tasting of delicious, farm fresh, mineral rich, untreated and in season produce, and learn the benefits of a higher-quality, whole-foods diet on mental health. You will also learn how gardening and the care we put into preparing food are both proven to have positive impacts on mental health. Susanne Meyer Fitzsimmons, author of Deep Living: Healing Yourself to Heal the Planet and Wisdom from the Deep Living Blog.